18 11, 2019

Stop Støj App

2019-11-18T16:32:36+01:00november 18th, 2019|Mindre støj|

  Støj kan være mange ting og kilderne til støj er lige ledes forskellige. Der kan være tale om støj fra byggeri, trafik, natteliv osv. Hvis du oplever støjgener i København, kan du her få hjælp til at registrere støjkilden og en guide til hvilken myndighed du kan rette henvendelse til for at klage. Dette finder du via vores Stop Støj App, som du kan hente her!

12 04, 2018

New Noise Complaint App

2022-06-21T23:52:48+02:00april 12th, 2018|Mindre støj, Nyheder|

We would like to invite you to be among the first people to test out our new noise complaint app, which has been developed by a team of Worcester Polytechnic Institute students working with Miljøpunkt Indre By & Christianshavn! They hope the app will help direct people to the right authorities when submitting noise complaints and make the noise complaint submission process significantly easier. The app is located in the window below. Please try it out! If you'd like to give them some feedback, they have a short survey located here: https://goo.gl/forms/5AJw8NQ7wZwNza5D3.

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